Wavelengths of light between 400 and 700 nm on the electromagnetic spectrum are known as visible light, or light that can be processed and seen by the human eye. The result? What we know as color! This digital collection features a broad selection of materials related to color. This includes the scientific study of color – colorimetry and color theory – as well as the science and practice of applying color via dyeing or painting. Browse sample books containing rainbows of dyed fabrics, instruments used to study color phenomena, interviews with scientists with firsthand experience in the pigments and dye industries, and more!
59 items
Memorandum and account book belonging to Charles A. Ronne
- 1879-Nov – 1880-Mar
Memorandum and account book belonging to Charles A. Ronne. The majority of the pages are blank. Ten pages contain a record of Ronne's expenses from November 1879 through March 1880. After a break of several pages, there…
- Creator Of Work Ronne, Charles A.
- Subject Dyes and dyeing, Antidotes, Chemistry, Home economics, Metals--Analysis, Ronne, Charles A.
5 items
Oral history interview with Jean S. Kane
- 2012-Feb-27 – 2012-Feb-28
Jean S. Kane grew up mostly in Tenafly, New Jersey. Although her father was an accountant, Jean was the first in her family to attend college. She began at Keuka College, intending to get a nursing degree, but she…
- Interviewee Kane, Jean S.
- Interviewer Gross, Benjamin
- Subject Kane, Jean S., 1940-, Chemistry, Women in chemistry, Geological Survey (U.S.), Spectrum analysis, Standard Reference Materials Program (National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.)), International Organization for Standardization, Geochemistry, Analytical geochemistry, Standard reference materials, Women in science, Chemists, Women chemists
3 items
Painting with Putnam Fadeless Dyes
- 1950s
Pamphlet written by Dorothy Lawless (1906-1981) about using Putnam Fadeless Dyes to make colorful floral hooked rugs. Lawless provides instructions for dying textiles and gives suggestions for achieving the color of…
10M 46S
AATCC: Your Leader in the Textile Industry
- Standards for the Textile Industry
- After 1980 – before 1993
Promotional video produced by the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists to encourage new membership. Features then-president of the AATCC, William R. Martin, Jr. The AATCC is a professional organization…
- Creator Of Work American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
- Producer Horizon Video Productions, Inc.
- Subject American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, Textile industry, Textile chemistry, Career development, Congresses and conventions, Chemical industry, Dyes and dyeing, Dyes and dyeing--Textile fibers, Dyes and dyeing--Textile fibers--Testing
7 items
Oral history interview with David M. Hercules
- 2002-Mar-20
David M. Hercules begins his interview by discussing his childhood and education. He describes his youth in Somerset, Pennsylvania, and his childhood curiosity with science. When he was in high school, he continued to…
- Interviewee Hercules, David M.
- Interviewer Daemmrich, Arthur, Brock, David C.
- Subject Hercules, David M., Lehigh University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Electron spectroscopy, University of Georgia, Business consultants, Catalysis, University of Pittsburgh, Mass spectrometry, Spectrum analysis, Chemical apparatus, Chemists
52 items
Distillations, Volume 2 Number 1
- 2016 (Spring)
52 items
52 items
52 items
Greene Family Account Book
- 1855 – 1876
Notebook containing dyed yarn samples and corresponding handwritten dye recipes.
202 items
The Coal Tar Colours of the Farbwerke vorm. Meister Lucius & Brüning, Höchst on the Main, Germany
- The Coal Tar Colours, their Properties and Reactions, and the Methods of their Application
- 1896
Sample book containing a "general survey of [Farwerke vorm. Meister Lucius & Brüning's] various coloring matters... their solubility, the methods of applying them to wool, cotton, and silk, and their employment in…
- Creator Of Work Farbwerke vorm. Meister Lucius & Brüning
- Publisher The Farbwerke
- Subject Dyes and dyeing, Coal-tar colors, Farbwerke vorm. Meister Lucius & Brüning
18M 23S
Techniques of Organic Chemistry
- Part 4
- 1956
One in a series of four educational chemistry films made by Harvard professor Louis Fieser, demonstrating basic chemistry concepts and laboratory procedures. Fieser was an organic chemist known for his work with…
258 items
Praktisches Handbuch des Zeugdrucks
- 1905
Sample book containing 158 fabric samples with displaying a wide variety of printed patterns with recipes and methods. The final pages of the book include a series of advertisements for several dyestuff companies.
121 items
Die Wollfarbstoffe
- 1928
The third edition of a sample book advertising woolen dye products from J. R. Geigy AG. Contains 289 dyed woolen samples. Information about each sample's light fastness, solubility, physical stability, and other…
- Publisher J.R. Geigy A.G.
- Subject Dyes and dyeing, Dyes and dyeing--Wool, Dye industry, J.R. Geigy A.G.
20 items
Tabellarische Übersicht über die künstlichen organischen Farbstoffe und ihre Anwendung in Färberei und Zeugdruck
- Tabular Overview of Artificial Organic Dyes and Their Use in Dyeing and Fabric Printing
- 1905
Pamphlet containing 82 dyed fabric samples organized in a table. The table provides the trade name of the dye used, application instructions, and colorfastness observations. Dyes shown include diazo dyes, trisazo dyes,…
156 items
The Dyer's Practical Guide : A Treatise on the Art of Dyeing Wool, Shoddy and Cotton
- 1884
Treatise containing "practical knowledge" on dyeing for manufacturers, with sections on mordants, chemicals used in dyeing, wool scouring, extracting cotton from wool, and 253 dye recipes for wool, cotton, and shoddy…
- Author Sherry, Frank
- Publisher Franklin Steam Printing House
- Subject Dyes and dyeing, Dyes and dyeing--Wool, Dyes and dyeing--Cotton, Formulas, recipes, etc.
64 items
Die Wollfarbstoffe des Jahres 1913
- Wool colors 1913
- Les colorants pour laine de l'annee 1913.
- Circa 1913
Sample book from the Bayer Company, Inc.--the North American extension of the German company, Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedrich Bayer & Co.--containing mounted dyed wool thread and swatch samples. Bayer & Co. was the first…
- Creator Of Work Bayer Company, Inc.
- Publisher Bayer Company, Inc.
- Subject Dyes and dyeing, Dyes and dyeing--Wool, Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedrich Bayer & Co., Bayer Company, Inc.
15 items
Acid Colors on Piece Goods
- After 1900 – before 1950
Sample book containing dyeing instructions and 54 mounted fabric swatches dyed with National Aniline & Chemical Company manufactured dyes. Consists of one cardboard leaf that folds out into 9 sections.
172 items
Les Produits Chimiques et les Matières Colorantes: Le Blanchiment, la Teinture, et l'Impression des Fibres Textiles
- Chemical Products and Coloring Materials: Bleaching, Dyeing, and Printing of Textile Fibers
- 1901 – 1902
1901 issue of a French periodical concerned with the dyeing of textiles. The content is divided into four parts: a reflection on universal exhibitions, in particular, the Universal Exhibition of Paris 1900; chemical…
156 items
Echtheits - Tabellen der Substantiven Baumwollfarbstoffe
- Authenticity Tables of Substantive Cotton Dyes
- 1900
A tabular overview of the field of substantive cotton dyes. Substantive dyes, also referred to as direct dyes, become chemically fixed to textile fibers without the aid of a mordant. Contains dyed and mounted cotton…
13 items
Anilin-Färberei; das Gesammte der Färberei und Druckerei mit Kohlentheer-Farbstoffen auf Wolle, Baumwolle und Seide
- 1874
The fifth edition of a work on dyeing and printing with aniline dyes on fabric, cotton, and silk. Contains 84 colored fabric samples. Only dye samples have been digitized.
- Author Beckers, A.
- Publisher Verlag von Gustav Weigel
- Contributor Reimann, M.
- Subject Coal-tar colors, Chemistry, Technical, Dyes and dyeing, Aniline, Dyes and dyeing--Cotton, Dyes and dyeing--Wool, Dyes and dyeing--Silk
120 items
Garment Dyeing
- 1912
Sample book of dyed materials from Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedrich Bayer & Co., the first incarnation of the modern pharmaceutical company, Bayer AG, established to manufacture and sell synthetic dyestuffs. The book…
74 items
Benzo Colours on Cotton Cloth
- 1900 – 1950
Sample book from the Bayer Company, Inc. — the North American extension of the German company, Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedrich Bayer & Co.—containing mounted dyed yarn and cotton thread samples. Bayer & Co. was the first…
- Creator Of Work Bayer Company, Inc.
- Publisher Bayer Company, Inc.
- Subject Dyes and dyeing, Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedrich Bayer & Co., Dyes and dyeing--Cotton
20 items
Dyes for Paper
- 1920s
Sample book containing paper samples colored with dyestuffs manufactured by the National Aniline & Chemical Company, Inc. The colors are categorized into three groups: acid colors, basic colors, and direct colors.…
- Creator Of Work National Aniline and Chemical Company
- Publisher National Aniline and Chemical Company
- Subject Dyes and dyeing, Dyes and dyeing--Paper, National Aniline and Chemical Company, Coal-tar colors
7 items
- 1867
The third edition of a work on dyeing and printing with aniline dyes on fabric, cotton, and silk. Contains 88 colored fabric samples. Only dye samples have been digitized.
- Author Beckers, A.
- Publisher Verlag von Theobald Grieben
- Subject Dyes and dyeing, Dyes and dyeing--Textile fibers, Coal-tar colors
40 items
Benzidinfarben auf Baumwollstückware
- Benzidine Colours on Cotton Cloth
- 1901
Sample book containing 495 cotton samples dyed with Friedrich Bayer & Co. brand benzidine-based dyes. Benzidine is a synthesized substance that was commonly used in the preparation of direct dyes, or dyes which do not…