This collection was amassed by Williams Haynes during his 38-year career as an editor and writer on the chemical industry, its history, and the economic forces behind it. The collection is made up of index cards, research files, corporate publications, and Newcomen Society addresses. A small portion of the collection has been digitized.
2 items
American Contemporaries article profiling Dr. Eugene Cornelius Sullivan (1872-1962)
Box 35, Folder "Su"- 1940
Two-page article from the "News Edition" of the magazine of the American Chemical Society profiling Dr. Eugene Cornelius Sullivan (1872-1962).
Eugene C. Sullivan was born on January 23, 1872 in Elgin, Illinois and…
2 items
Chemical and Engineering News profiling Dr. Betty J. Sullivan (1902-1999)
Box 35, Folder "Su"- 1948-Jul-12
Two-page article from the July 12, 1948 edition of Chemical and Engineering News profiling Dr. Betty J. Sullivan (1902-1999).
Betty J. Sullivan was born on May 31, 1902 in Minneapolis, Minnesota and educated at the…