An album belonging to Max Albert Bredig (1902-1977), the majority of which contains photographs of Max with his friends participating in leisure activities such as hiking and boating.
Max and his sister, Marianne Bredig were raised in Karlsruhe, Germany where their father, Georg Bredig (1868-1944), served as the Director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Technical University of Karlsruhe. Max followed in his father’s footsteps by becoming a physical chemist, best known today for his work on the interaction of molten metallic halides with their metals.
Max fled Nazi Germany in 1937, traveling first to Sweden, and then to England, before finally arriving at the University of Michigan where he accepted a fellowship to work in the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering. Max worked tirelessly to bring his family to the United States, which he achieved by 1940.
Bredig, Max Albert. “Photograph Album Belonging to Max Albert Bredig,” 1927–1928. Papers of Max Bredig, Box 18, Folder 4. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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