A 1904 supplement to the 1902 catalog, The Dyeing of Cotton, addressing dyestuffs related to cotton dying, especially Diamine and Immedial colors, that developed or improved in the two years after the primary work’s publication. This supplement includes a thorough discussion of the special requirements in the dyeing of loose cotton, cotton yarns, fabrics, hosiery, linen and half-linen fabrics, China-grass, jute and artificial silk, as well as machine-dyeing. Digitized in its entirety, the work contains ten pages of sample swatches, plus much commentary.
Leopold Cassella & Co., today Cassella AG, is a German chemical company headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. Its main products were dyes, drugs, and cosmetics, though after 1945 Cassella shifted from its former primary focus on dyes to pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
Leopold Cassella & Co. The Dyeing of Cotton and Other Vegetable Fibres with the Dyestuffs of Leopold Cassella & Co. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Leopold Cassella & Co., 1904. https://digital.sciencehistory.org/works/txb3liu.
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